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Compassionate Care for the Marginalized 

Spirituality of Compassion, Shepherding Leadership, Innovative Excellence, Superior  Expertise

Statement Number 1:

We are committed to serve and care for all patients regardless of status, race or religion especially for those in the margins or peripheries through our Christ-centered, quality and compassionate healthcare services.

As you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me.” 

– Matthew 25:45

Statement Number 2:​

PSH extends outreach services to identified depressed communities especially to the underserved in the peripheries toward a self- reliant and self-sustaining individual, family and community.


"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay for his deeds." 

- Proverbs 19:17

Statement Number 3: 

The PSH disaster risk reduction and management system, providing for the disasrter risk ....rrmt framework, institutionalized plan, and appropriating funds for natural and man-made disasters and calamities.


From all their distress, God rescues the just.” 

– Psalms 54

Statement Number 4: 

Identify government and non-government agencies to aid in the  funding of  programs, projects such as medical missions and outreach activities.


God loves a cheerful giver.” 

– 2 Corinthians 9:7

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