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This would be very clear if the story in the life of Paul can be applied to our present life.

On January 25th, the Core Group shared with the staff and personnel the Life of St Paul.

PSH Launches School of Spirituality in the Workplace

On December 9, 2015, the SCHOOL OF SPIRITUALITY IN THE WORKPLACE was launched by Rev. Fr. Ramon Ma. Luza Bautista, SJ, the co-director of the Jesuit Tertianship Asia Pacific Assistancy Program with the Sisters of St Paul of Chartres, led by Sr Zeta Rivero, SPC, Chief Executive Officer, Sr Lydia Merino, SPC, superior of the community, Sr. Teresa Dagooc, SPC, the Director of Spirituality, Identity and Mission. Fr. Mon is the authentic GURU of Spirituality, a holy man of God, highly respected, humble and self-effacing. He had given many conferences on Spirituality here and abroad, to the SPC Sisters, priests and sisters of other Congregations, including the lay. The launching ceremony was participated by more than 80 participants chosen from among the staff and personnel, Chaplains, Fathers Nicholas Bagalay and Clyde Salitrero, Brother Alexis Burla, and the SPC sisters.

 Fr. Mon begun his conference on Spirituality with these touching words, 


PSH is not just an ordinary hospital. It is clearly a Catholic hospital owned and managed by the SPC. It is a Ministry and Mission in itself. With the PSH Ministry and Mission would be the explicit promotion of values and ideals consistent with the Pauline Spirituality”.

Fr. Ramon Ma. Luza Bautista, SJ

 He underscored the three Elements of Spirituality and they are the following:

  • Dignified Sense of Purpose – this answers the question, why do we do what we do.

  • Quality of Self - Transcendence – which is the willingness to sacrifice and go beyond our needs.

  • Quality of Life Giving Values and Virtues - which is the continuous promotion of values.

He said that like any school of Christian Spirituality, the SCHOOL of PAULINE SPIRITUALITY in the WORKPLACE, in PERPETUAL SUCCOUR HOSPITAL, would need four approaches:

  • The studying

  • The speaking

  • The praying

  • The actual living out and witnessing of the values and virtues of Pauline Spirituality

 The following are the significant facets involved in learning and embedding the School of Pauline Spirituality in the Workplace:

  • Life of St. Paul

  • Themes in the Writings of St Paul

  • Language of St Paul

  • Virtues and Values of St Paul

To promote the Pauline Spirituality at this early stage he urged us to:

  • Continue to clarify the life story of St. Paul (his missionary journeys and his timeline. It is good if those concerned can be familiar with the details of his life, especially the key turning points.)

  • Then slowly move to the Letters. (A short outline of each, plus the setting and main purpose of the Letter). In studying the Letters, look out for Pauline virtues.

Fr. Mon stressed that Spirituality should not be confined to an individual but has to be institutionalized. Perpetual Succour Hospital can embrace a specific Spirituality, to guide, give meaning, and purpose to its identity and Vision – Mission. PSH is a Catholic hospital and thus, profit, competence, and quality should not be its primary concern, but the distinguishing mark should be the SPC Spirituality – that makes it unique and stands out. It will make people be attracted to your hospital. Foremost, PSH should be identified and known for its Ministry of Healing, Mission and Apostolate. This is the reason why PSH exists.

Before the Eucharistic Celebration, illustrated reading materials on the life of St. Paul, the Apostle, were distributed by Brother Alexis, Sisters Riza Mae Inoc, S.P.C. and Gaye Casilihan, SPC. For the Eucharistic celebration Fr. Mon Bautista, SJ was the Presider with Fathers Nick Bagalay and Clyde Salitrero, OCarm as concelebrants. After Communion, there was a procession of candle bearers, bible and the statue of St Paul that was blessed. This signified the launching proper of the Pauline Spirituality in the Workplace.

On the second day, Fr. Mon Bautista, S.J., had a conference with the Core Group members on how to develop and nurture the Pauline Spirituality, attended by: Sr. Zeta Caridad Rivero, SPC, Fr. Clyde Salitrero, OCarm, Sr. Theresa Dagooc, SPC, Gloria Abregana, Pearly Pulgo, Gladys Sarmiento, Patrick Soterol, Lyle Curso. It was agreed that the Core Group should start studying and knowing the life of St. Paul, his letters, his journeys, and his virtues. Sisters Riza Mae and Gaye were able to research from the New Testament 30 Pauline Quotes.

We express our gratitude to our CEO, Sr. Zeta Caridad Rivero, SPC, and the SPC Sisters, whom the Lord used as channels of his love and blessings. May God reward them and bless them even more as they continue to carry out God’s inspirations and plans for Perpetual Succour Hospital.

School of Creative Leadership

Perpetual Succour Hospital, in collaboration with Saint Paul University Philippines, introduces its Graduate School of Creative Leadership with Dr. Mila Mendoza as Program Director. It is an off-site campus, hospital-based course of the internationally accredited and fully autonomous SPC University. This trailblazing Global Post Graduate non-thesis course is created in response to Global Leadership 2030, a method of research established by German social scientist-Vielmeter, which requires contextual thinking, learning and development for leadership success.

The contextual challenges shall be the focus or foci of learning of the candidate. The typology is evidence-based leadership due to the evidence-based clinical practices of the healthcare professionals/candidates published in international journals. Participants are distributed from three management levels so that outstanding organizational performance can come from the motivation and actions of middle and frontline leaders who are in closer contact with the customers. At the end of the program, there is a thorough analysis and assessment of development needs (DNA)-the trailblazing feature of this course which determines further development areas in leadership.

The course utilizes typology of leadership which guides horizontal learning movements from leading oneself, to leading others and finally leading the organization. Although the course is non-thesis, it is required that candidates go through Advance Research & Statistics because this is a post-graduate course where research is a vital component.

The Curriculum of Master of Arts in Global Health Care Leadership offers the following core courses:

12 units:

18 units:

  • Philosophical Bases of Global Health Care Leadership,

  • Creative Leadership for Global Health Care (with Seven Disciplines,

  • Advanced Statistics

  • Grit and Habits of Great Leaders)

  • Advanced Research

  • Talent Development

COGNATES (6 units):

  • Initiative

  • Assertion and Decisiveness

  • Graduate Seminar (with seminar paper presentation)

Global leader’s success depends on his ability to create teamwork across generational cultures and expectations by adapting to circumstances in which they are working.

Centers of Excellence

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