Financial Management Services
Spirituality of Compassion, Shepherding Leadership, Innovative Excellence, Superior Expertise
Cash Payments
1. Present your doctor’s request to the department to obtain the charge ticket of the procedure/examination needed.
2. Proceed to the Cashier for payment and get your Official Receipt
3. Go back to the department with the Official Receipt and present it to the Receptionist for the procedure/examination
For Philhealth members – after the procedure, proceed to the Philhealth Clerk along with your requirements for the computation of the benefit (refer to the list below).
Insurance/Company Payments:
1. Present your doctors’ request with the LOA (Letter of Authorization) from your Insurance/Company to the ECUP Department. A REQUEST FORM shall be given to you.
2. Present your REQUEST FORM to the department for the examination/procedure
For Philhealth members – after the procedure, proceed to the Philheath Clerk with your requirements for the computation of the benefit (refer to the list below).
3. Should there be any payments that need to be made in excess of your insurance/company’s coverage, you may proceed to the Cashier for payment.
Only the following Outpatient procedures are covered by Philhealth:
1. Hemodialysis,
2. Chemotherapy
3. Radiation/Brachytherapy
4. Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, ERCP and other procedures covered by Philhealth
5. Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB)
6. Blood Transfusion
7. Ultrasound Guided Biopsy
8. Bone Marrow Aspiration
9. Coronary Angiogram
10. All MINOR surgical procedures
Discharge Procedures:
Ask the Nurses’ Station for the necessary documents needed for discharge/check out.
Proceed to the Billing Section for the computation of the final bill
For Philhealth members – proceed to the Philhealth window with your requirements for computation of your Philhealth benefit
For Non – Philhealth members – proceed to the Billing Section for the computation
Proceed to the Cashier for payment and you shall be given (3) three copies of CHECK OUT SLIPS. This will serve as your proof that you have been cleared of your obligation to the hospital.
Surrender your CHECK OUT SLIP to the Nurses’ Station, Information & Security when you leave the hospital.
The cut – off time for discharge is 5:00 PM. There will be an additional charge for Room & Board for those who will check out beyond 5:00 PM.
Once you have the CHECK OUT SLIPS, you are given thirty (30) minutes to one (1) hour to vacate the room you have occupied in order to avoid said additional charges.
A Letter Of Authorization (LOA) is required for patients’ who are covered by Insurance or their Companies prior to check out.
For GSIS members/dependents, Senior Citizens or PWD's, only one (1) discount can be given (whichever is higher).
All major credit cards are accepted.