PSH at a Glance
Perpetual Succour Hospital of Cebu, Inc., owned and managed by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres, is a Catholic, private, not for profit, non-stock corporation, Level III, General, Training and Education Health Care Facility, with a capacity of 372 beds.
True to its origin and mission, animated by the Spirit of the Congregation, participating in the apostolic mission of the Church, cognizant of the temporary health needs in a dynamic society and health care as a continuum, pursued as an obligation in justice for each stakeholder, to keep abreast of developments and innovations in the healthcare industry.​
Inspired by the SPC Charism of Charity, "Caritas Christi Urget Nos", the "Charity of Christ Impels us" we embrace to the limits and without let up, God's Spirituality of Compassion, Shepherding Leadership, Innovative Excellence and Superior Expertise.