Quality Assurance
Spirituality of Compassion, Shepherding Leadership, Innovative Excellence, Superior Expertise

Our Quality Commitment
As a Catholic hospital, driven by the mission of proclaiming God’s love through the provision of compassionate, safe and quality care to our patients, we implement Quality Assurance (QA) and Continual Quality Improvement activities and processes such as:
Compliance to legal and regulatory requirements
Continuous improvement of QMS to exceed client’s satisfaction
Weekly Quality Review Meetings
Internal Quality Audits

The PSH QA unit establishes a process for performing audits in order to determine if the Quality Management System has been effectively implemented in conformity to International Quality Standards.
Patient Satisfaction Survey

PSH QA monitors information and data on client satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Customer complaints are documented and monitored to effect continual improvement in the system. Client’s complaints (whether received in writing or verbally) are immediately forwarded to the Department Head concerned for prompt and appropriate action.