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Last March 8-10, 2018, PSH hosted the 28th Annual Assembly of the SPC Health Care Ministry. The theme for said assembly was “Pauline Spirituality and Interculturality Towards Transformative Leadership and Mission”.
The objectives for the assembly were the following: (1) to strengthen the Pauline Spirituality of the stakeholders in the Healing Ministry; (2) to understand and appreciate “Interculturality” and varied generation workforce in the hospital setting; (3) to gain deeper insights on Effective Leadership and Hospital Management; (4) to pursue the actualization of the six SPCHCM Strategic Thrusts innovatively and creatively.
About 200 participants, composed of Sisters, Lay Managers and staff, representing the 13 hospitals owned and managed by the SPC Sisters, gathered together to keep abreast of the latest techniques, get new ideas for hospital management and operations, as well as to meet their counterparts from the other SPC hospitals.
The 3-day conference proved to be rejuvenating in that it became an inspirational and energizing opportunity to connect with the participants from the different SPC hospitals, think about new strategies of approach in specific areas of service, contemplate the bigger picture of the healthcare industry and establish collaborations with other stakeholders in the industry.