Spirituality Identity & Mission
Spirituality of Compassion, Shepherding Leadership, Innovative Excellence, Superior Expertise

Christian Formation
Our Spiritual Formation Programs are deeply rooted in the values and philosophies of our patron St. Paul. We plan and organize activities to provide a venue for our stakeholders to deepen our Pauline Spirituality in the workplace. This is what makes us different from other healthcare institutions.
PSH is the extension of the healing, comforting Ministry of the Lord. Spirituality is life giving; it is a school of loving which affects the total person, total character and personality. PSH is not only a Ministry but a Mission in itself.
In embracing the Pauline Spirituality, we, at PSH are espousing the following:
• Study of the Pauline Spirituality
• Speaking the language and vocabulary of Paul
• Praying
• Living out (express in deeds and actions) the Spirituality
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” (Matthew 25:35-36)
The department of Clinical Pastoral Care Services is committed to provide care for the spiritual needs of our patients, their families, doctors, staff and personnel. They are there to support our patients, families and staff through words and acts, as they face the emotional and spiritual distress of illness and crisis; to experience as fully as possible the reality of God’s presence and love in their lives.
Our Chaplains and the Clinical Pastoral Care Coordinators are always available to help in dealing with issues of uncertainty, despondency, frustrations and despair. This includes the administration of the Sacraments, Prayers, Counseling, and leading of worship.
Provides patients and their families assistance in coping with their financial and social problems (In and Out Patient Services) that directly affect the patients’ medical condition.
Extends services to the poor and undeserved communities in order to become self-sustaining in forms of: Provision of Service Beds for in-patients and charity discounts for out-patients, Religious Formation, Literacy, Catechist (Adult and Children), Natural Family Planning, Livelihood Projects, Health and Sanitation.

Be a Sister of St. Paul of Chartres
Join our Second Sunday Search-in Recollection
Look for Sr. Claire Escañan
Mobile Number 0922-8561901
email address: cesca09an@yahoo.com.ph
facebook: claire escañan